

The General/GNU Template Generation Tools

version <#3.2.0#>

(0) Content of this Explanation

copyright (c) 2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007 karsten reincke (

(1) General Purpose

The (general | GNU) template generation tools are a set of scripts for creating a whole set of sources, which may already be compiled and installed by using the GNU development tools. Think of gtgt as a program which is able to create an already compilable, very sophisticated "hello world" program, written in C or C++ and constituted by a main program, two internal modules (classes), one static and one shared library. Using gitty-gitty you will get a template of sources for the main cases you might meet, and which you can also use as examples for automake, autoconf and so on.

For understanding the general purpose of the (general | GNU)-template-generation-tools, we should have a look at an abbreviated version of the history of programming with gcc:

  1. At the beginning we have nothing but gcc: we have to order each act of compilation with regards to name the right versions of sourcecodes on the command-line. (practical, but not comfortable)
  2. The next step in evolution is "MAKE", now we are not only able to create scripts for compiling more than one set of sources, but now we can demand to respect dependencies. (comfortable, but not the end of the world)
  3. Then there has been the problem to compile for more than one specific hardware environment. And this problem leads to the solution by using autoconf: We are setting up two scripts, and In the first one we determine in a declarative way those aspects, which we want to have tested. Then we call the tool 'autoconf' which takes the scripts and creates the well known configure script. This script itself takes the, tests the environment and replaces variables in the by the test-results and creates the normal makefiles, which are now very sophisticated. But at this point of history, we only have to create the and the, and we can use informations about the hardware used for the compilation, by writing variables into our (a bit better, but still optimizable)
  4. "Why" - so the next question - "shouldn't it be possible to use a high-level declarative language for saying what we want to compile instead of using the old makefile-language?" The answer has been automake. This script takes and and creates and as software-developpers we now only have to write our intentions into and (the world seems to be good, but not the best of all possible ones)
  5. The GNU development tools demand a lot more files than and One has to touch at least NEWS, Changelog, Install, README ..., and you have to create a directory structure. For automating this procedure, autotools have been offered: Here you may create a whole but empty environment for the GNU development tools and you have a tool to generate files containing a copyright-note. (This major step has been done by Eleftherios Gkioulekas) (yoop, yoop, but then ...)
  6. There are two demands, which can't be fullfilled by autotools. If you want to have your own licenses in your sources, you can't use autotools because they only offer GNU files and -conditions. Ok, GNU is quite fine, but it's not everything. And although you are using autotools you still have to declare and define all functions inside of your sources and you need to setup the correct and in a corresponding way. That can be automised too - at least for a starting version. And that's the task of the (general | GNU) template generation tools. They are able to replace the autotools and contain three scripts: gcng, gscg and gptg.

(2) The Constituting Tools

gcng = General Copyright Note Generator

Script of generating files, which already contain the correct copyright header, regardless of which copyright and which programming language shall be used

gscg = General Source Code Generator

Script for generating all already compilable source files of a software module, namely the header file as a module declaration and the source file as a module defintion.

You can select c or c++ as the programming-language, which is used for writing these functions. Think of gscg as a program, which is able to create very sophisticated "hello world" modules.

gptg = General Project Template Generator

Script for generating the whole set of files for an already compilable and installable software project: Using gscg + gcng too, gptg will offer a project directory, which is completely prepared for utilisation of autoconf and automake and which contains a quite sophisticated "hello world" program - being built upon two modules and one static library - and which already offers a shared library.

Using these tools (which are using themselves too), you get a template, which only needs to be adopted to what you want to have.

(3) Installation Conditions

For being able to install and use the gtgt you need

For installing the gtgt you do the following:

Note: It's not nescessary to have autoconf and automake for installing gtgt but for using it, because adding a new piece of sourcecode includes modification of (and And in all those cases you need to call automake and autoconf at least one time, before being able to call configure for the set.

(4) Special Hints For Usage (Handbook)

(4.1) How do I create my first project?

  1. Create a short project name like 'mypo', which should not contain blanks or other seperators. Think of it as a name, not as a double name or sentence or anything else. Following the c/c++-coding-standard this name will automatically be changed in some cases: he can be capitalized or written in lower or upper cases.

  2. Decide, whether you want to use C or C++ as a programming-language. (If you only want to write shell scripts, you may choose any of these.)

  3. Decide with which main release number you want to begin. Usually you start with zero (select an integer like 1,2,3, not any real or float number like 1.2 and so on)

  4. Decide with which revision number you want to begin. Usually you start with one (select an integer like 1,2,3, not any real or float number like 1.2 and so on)

  5. Type 'gptg --help' to see in which way these decisions can be inserted into gptg:

      -h, --help, -v, --version, -cpp (Language C++), -c (Language C) projectname start release number start release branch number
  6. gptg uses gscg and gscg uses gcng. gcng itself needs a file gcng.conf in the working-directory. This file contains 6 lines:

    1. The authorname
    2. The email adress of the author
    3. The year of publishing the program (will be inserted automatically)
    4. The name of the company licensing the sources
    5. The absolute path to a short version of the company's license
    6. the absolute path to a long version of the company's license

    If this file doesn't exist, you will be asked for the informations and it will be created. If your company is GNU, you won't be asked for licenses, because they are known. If not, you have to create such licenses. They will be used automatically for generating sourcecode headers. Examples for those company licenses can be found in the documentation directory of the gtgt, which will be installed under $PREFIX/share/doc/gtgt.

  7. user@computer> gptg -cpp mypo 0 1
    will generate a project named mypo, positioned in a directory mypo-0.1
  8. Note: After changing into your project directory, you can already type ./configure, make, make distcheck, or make install. You have a project which at first installs one application named like your project and made to modules and which installs two libraries as a second step, a static and a shared one. You now have to adopt these possibilities to your whishes and you can use this automatically generated project as a teaching example to handle autoconf and, automake and and while working at your own specific project. Because the sources are following the c/c++ coding standard and are already commented in the doxygen style, you can take them as teaching examples for these aspects, too.

(4.02) The configuration file gcng.conf and what the hell does "company license" mean?

Ok, GNU is good. Very good, indeed. But [ in very rare cases ;-) ] it's not evrything. Therefore, for example, the LGPL has been created. Well, you should be able to create applications following the GNU methods and GNU recommendations and using the GNU tools - without publishing your results under the GPL. In these cases you might want to distribute your sources under a special company license. And this license should be referred to by all your files.

GNU uses the following way to mark the GNU sources as GNU sources:

  1. Inside of the project directory, there the whole GNU license is given to the user who gets a source tarball for creating an application from the sources. This license can be found in the file COPYING.
  2. Each sourcefile contains a short version of this license by listing up the main points of the whole license and refering to file COPYING or the GPL
  3. Sometimes it's necessary to publish special parts of the tarball under a weaker license than the other parts. For example remember the LGPL: In these cases such (library-)sources contain a special hint.

Think of the company license as a special "GNU license" of your company ;-). And therefore you should have two versions: The long version is that one, which shall be put into the file COPYING, and the short is that one, which will be used inside of the the files and which should refer to the long version.

The last question could be this: How can I determine, to create a template for my company or for the GNU world? the answer is very simple:

The gtgt-tarball offers two license examples inside the doc-directory: the file "company-license.long" and the file "company-license.short". Note: They haven't been juristically checked! They exist for demonstrating the technical possibilities.

(4.03) What if I want to build my tarball with more or other sourcefiles than given by the gptg script?

Very simple, in the first part of the following chapters, we explain what you should do, if you don't want to use the full set of files. And in the second part we explain, what you need to do, if you want to expand set files.

(4.04) What if I don't want to write libraries?

Read ${YOURPRJ} as a name of your project:

  1. Change into the toplevel of your project directory
  2. Delete the substring 'lib/Makefile' as parameter of the macro AC_OUTPUT in the file ''
  3. Delete the directory 'lib'
  4. Delete the substring 'lib' as parameter of the macro SUBDIRS in the file ''
  5. Change into the subdirectory src of your project directory
  6. Delete the substring '-l ${YOURPRJ}_stli' as parameter of the macro ${YOURPRJ}_LDADD in the file ''
  7. Delete the substring '-L$(topbuilddir)/lib' as parameter of the macro ${YOURPRJ}_LDFLAGS in the file ''
  8. Delete all lines containing the substring '_stli' in the source-files ${YOURPRJ}.c(pp)
  9. Call autoconf and automake or your reconf script

(4.05) What if I don't want to work with deep embedded daughter modules?

  1. change into the toplevel of your project directory
  2. Delete the substring 'src/damo/Makefile' as parameter of the macro AC_OUTPUT in the file ''
  3. Change into the subdirectory src of your project-directory
  4. Delete the substring 'damo' as parameter of the macro SUBDIRS in the file ''
  5. Delete all lines containing the substring 'damo' in the source-files ${YOURPRJ}.c(pp)
  6. Delete the directory 'damo' in your src-directory
  7. Call autoconf and automake or your reconf script

(4.06) What if I only want to offer a set of scripts?

  1. Delete the libraries like described above
  2. Change back into the toplevel of your project directory
  3. Delete the substring 'src/Makefile' and 'src/damo/Makefile' as parameter of the macro AC_OUTPUT in the file ''
  4. Delete subdirectory src of your project directory
  5. Delete the substring 'src' as parameter of the macro SUBDIRS in the file ''
  6. Call autoconf and automake or your reconf-script

(4.07) What if I want to add a new sister module or class?

Sister modules are sources with a declaring headerfile and a defining sourcefile physically lying in the same directory of the main sourcefile and being included. For generating such a module you may do this:

  1. Change into the subdirectory src of your project directory

  2. Call gscg and insert the parameters:

    gscg [-c|-cpp|-h|-v] [-i|-s|-is] [MODULE] [PROJECT] [RELEASE]
      Select your programming language or 'help' or 'version'
    • -i echos the corresponding headerfile
    • -s echos sourcecode for the module
    • -is writes include- + sourcecode as file
    should be a short module identifier without brackets, underlines, points etc. etc. should be a short project identifier without brackets, underlines, points etc. etc. release number (must be a float with two digits like 1.0 !!!)

    user@mashine > gscg -cpp -is modu mypo 1.0 creates mypo.h and mypo.cpp

  3. Include ${MODULENAME}.cpp and ${MODULENAME}.h in as arguments of ${YOURPROJECT}_SOURCES

  4. Change back to the top of your project directory and call autoconf and automake or your reconf script
  5. Then write and include your module / class

(4.08) What, if I want to add a new module or class for libraries?

Nearly the same as for adding a new sister module. But act in the library directory instead of the source directory.

(4.09) What, if I want to create a new library ?

Nearly the same as for adding a new sister module. After having determined the library name (=module name) you need to insert the following into the of your lib-directory:

(4.10) What, if I want to add doc files or scripts ?

(4.11) What, if I want use VPATH ?

The VPATH variable allows us to use other directories whose content is able to fulfill the dependencies although it's not directly integrated into the 'make' procedure. Using this variable, one can split the objectfiles and its sources. From make's point of view, it's a hack. But not all hacks are bad, aren't they?. Ok, do this (and write me, if you are sucessful ;-) ):

  1. Change into the top of your project directory
  2. Rename the subdirectory src into vpdir (or anything else)
  3. Rename all those substrings 'src' into vpdir, which arise as contents of the variable SUBDIRS in the main
  4. Insert a new substring src into the content of the variable SUBDIRS in the main
  5. Create a new subdirectory src
  6. mv all sources vpdir/*.cpp *.c *.h from vpdir into the new directory src
  7. Change into the new src directory
  8. Edit a new src/
  9. Insert into this src/ the only variable EXTRA_DIST= $all-names-of-your-moved-sources
  10. Insert into each arising in any directory under vpdir or lib the string VPATH=$(top_srcdir)/src.

The main point of this procedure is this: make recursively follows the structure of vpdir. There maket meets its targets. And it seeks the sources, named inside of the Makefile and not really being in the make directory. But make finds them none-the-less, because it looks for them in all directories named by the variable VPATH which in this case is indicating the directory source as an add-on

(4.12) What about the coding and documentation style?

Last but not least, we have added the doxygen documentation style into the automatically generated sourcefiles of your project initially created by the gitty-gitty-tools. This includes that

For being generally acceptable, we have adopted the c++ and c coding standard. But note: There doesn't exist "the coding standard"; you can find more than one which differ in more or less details. Therefore we give only one hint for a C++ Coding Standard while recommending to have a look at the others, being found with some search engine.

(4.13) What if I want to change the numbers of the release or the revision?

Last but not least we have integrated a script into the GNU-sourcetree which allows the change of the release- and the revisionnumber.

Remember, if you let create the template of your project you have to name integers for the release and the revision on the commandline. these numbers will be merged into many places: for example into the short copyright line of each piece of sourcecode where the name of the file and that of the project is also announced.

But there exist more important places where these numbers are inserted. There they will be evaluated for generating the tarball-number or the library-version. For updating all these case with one command gptg writes a script into your project-direcgtory. This script named change-release does what its name announces: it should be called with one or more file- or directorynames (or with *) as parameter. and for all these entities it recursively changes all relevant release/revision numbers.

For using this script you have to respect the following points:

  1. You shouldn't change the release/revision-strings manually. or at least you have to respect the given syntactically structure.
  2. If you want to increment (decrement ?-) ) the revison/release-number you have to edit the script change-release: insert the correct old versions of the numbers and the wished new versions at the beginning of the script and then call ./change-release
  3. Note, change-release isn't backward compatible. if you want to use it in an existing project (made by GTGT release 1.1 or earlier) you have to recreate it. and if you merge older pieces of sourcecode into that new tree you have at least to replace the short-copy-right line which signals filename, project and version-number

Note: In the string "-version-info xc:xr:xa" , which arises in the «» and is updated by the script «changerelease», the integer at the position «xc» means «current release», the integer at the position «xr» «revision» and the integer at the postion «xa» the «age» of the library. And the age of a library denotes the row of elder releases, which interfaces all only are expanded by the newer ones.

But this row of integers "xc:xr:xa" arises not directly in the version of a shared library. You have to read such versionnumbers like the scheme «libxxx-so.xc.xa.xr»: the first integer of a library-version number denotes the current release, the second the age(!) and the third the the revision number.

(4.14) What if I want to add debugging and profiling informations during the compilation?

In each GTGT offers now four different lines with compiler flags:

In a for c++-programs
  1. CXXFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic
  2. #CXXFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g
  3. #CXXFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3
  4. #CXXFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g -pg
In a for c-programs
  1. CFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic
  2. #CFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g
  3. #CFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3
  4. #CFLAGS = -DLinux -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g -pg

So, if you want to add debug infos, uncomment line 2 after having commented line 1. If you want to add debug and profiling infos, uncomment line 4 after having commented line 1. And if you want to use optimized code, uncomment line 3 after having commented line 1.

(4.15) What if I want to import my newly generated project into a cvs or subversion repository or to use wildcards to commit and/or add files?

If you import a more or less elaborated project into a cvs repository, you must pay attention not to import binary files as text and not to import those files, which can be derivated from other files by using any program. For CVS-repositories you should have a file «.cvsignore» in each directory by which you can evoke cvs to ignore those derivatable files. For Subversion-repositories you should have expanded the svn:ignore-feature by those file-names and/or patterns which shall be ignored. With gtgt it is not nescessary to do this by yourself:

Beginning with release 3.0.0 gtgt offers a shell script «» which realizes the following aspects:

After having called «» you can therefore import, commit or add files with wildcards without having to reflect which of the files normally have to be ignored.

If you have generated a tarball being cleared by «» you must type

for getting back the erased files.

(4.16) What if I want to build a rpm-package on the base of my tarball?

Beginning with release 2.0.0 gtgt automatically generates a specfile named «prj.spec». Using the command «rpm -bb prj.spec» you will get that rpm-package which contains the same files like the tarball generated with «make distcheck» and extracted and installed with the commands «configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && install»

For changing the spec-file see

(5.A) What, if I need more informations?

you can find more hints inside of the tarball.

(5.B) What, if I want to add some remarks?

Feel free to contact or at you are strongly encoraged to correct, to suggest, to wish ...

For general informations have a look at and too.

(6) Thanks

It's a great pleasure for me to thank some people: